Why would it matter? The most trivial solution is to pipe in a existing shader and not compute the noise at all inside your plug. This also makes your node much more reusable as even other kernels can be inserted at users whim (yes even if you think theres no use, there allways is somebody who will find use when you give them a chance). So no maya wouldn't need to give you a function for something maya already provides as a node since all that is in nodal form is in your disposal so you can just querry the node. (tahts the idea behind maya)
But yes as a matter of fact they do not publish a noise function in the api. They do however have several examples of noise generation in the devkit examples tough. For example see latticeNoise.cpp, noiseShader.cpp etc..
hi guys, as we know in MEL we can use "dnoise( )"
When a person makes a comparasion between api and mel its liek shouting to the world that you have misunderstood the purpose of the api completely.