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qWrap 1.0.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

shrink wrapping deformer node

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/11/2006
File Size: 12.7 KB
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1-10 of 12

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  • Cipher

    Cipher said over 17 years ago:

    Not ready to be released, doesn't work in 8.5 64-bit.
  • el diablo

    el diablo said almost 18 years ago:

    can you make it so it will project off of the sources vertex normal and not use a destination for vector...if not it's free so thanks anyways....
  • jrod118

    jrod118 said about 18 years ago:

    qwrap plug in is for maya7 do you have this for 8?
  • wcraig

    wcraig said over 18 years ago:

    I assume you put the .mll file in the plug-in folder. I am not having any success on 7.0 or 8.0 for PC.
  • David Russell

    David Russell said over 18 years ago:

    The current mll is for Maya7 please update. Pretty please. Can ya email a notification when you do.
  • admin

    admin said over 18 years ago:

    When/If someone compiles other versions you can send them to me and I'll update the package zip to include those versions.
  • qarl

    qarl said over 18 years ago:

    it works fine if you download the source and compile it for your platform. if you don't know how to do that - you'll have to find someone who can. you get what you pay for. K.
  • holographix

    holographix said over 18 years ago:

  • hansesurfer

    hansesurfer said over 18 years ago:

    man, please compile this for us!!
  • thematt

    thematt said over 18 years ago:

    Finnaly someone make such a node..I've dying to have that sometime ago.. t thousand thanks for it

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