All muscles and bones are seperate models(which gives the ability to hide or highlight certain muscles or bones)
Shaders, lighting and render settings set up for 3dsmax 2008 and up.
Obj files included(bones and muscles), which can be imported into a program of choice.
The model has a very clean topology and is completly uv-mapped.
The model uses a displacement map for extra detail, but is designed to work
well without the use of displacement maps as well(there is a small loss of detail when not using them).
all models and materials have correct naming and are divided into seperate layers.
Textures are divided.
*Muscles uses one 4k texture for color(muscles dont use a displacement map).
*Skeleton uses one 4k texture for color and one 4k texture displacement map.
Keywords:anatomy, muscle, muscles, skeleton, skull, human, male, man,
muscular system, muscles,musculature, skeletal, realistic, torso