Jul 2012
1 / 3
Jul 2012
Jul 2012

Hello CreativeCrash,

I'm a beginner level in Maya and need help with blendshapes.

So I almost finished animating a model when I realized I need another facial expression for the model.

I've tried creating a blendshape by duplicating the baseshape (the one with the rig etc.)
then remove it's connection to the rig, model it's face with what I need
then 'create deformers'

now the problem is when I use the new created deformer it follows the location of the new blendshape.

btw, the model, the face is embedded with the body, like a smiley (round object with a face).

now for example it walks up to 100frame, then when I turn on the new blendshape, the model goes to the starting point where it has the same row or x axis position of the new blendshape.

another thing, if it doesn't walk and is with parallel or same x axis position with the new blendshape
then i turn on the new blendshape, and scroll to the animation range.
the model/face won't follow the bone rig anymore, it just stays there at it's initial position.

can someone explain how this happen?
and teach me how to add the new blendshape right?

I've also tried using the add blendshape, but it also have problem with the rig, like when it turns on, the face/body deforms badly
and my past blendshapes that i made before i rig/animate, deforms badly as well when use.

Please help! I've been doing trial and error for the whole day now and didn't make any progress -_-

  • created

    Jul '12
  • last reply

    Jul '12
  • 2


  • 6.2k


  • 1


Your Post was a little hard to follow, But because i had to stuggle through a similar predicament without assistance, I feel compelled to share what I know.

Take your Base Mesh (the one with the rig in it.) and duplicate it.
modify the duplicate however you want (soft modification tool, clusters, pull vertecies) until you get the shape you want.
Select the duplicate then select the Base Mesh, Create Deformers>Blend Shape.

Now right click on your Base Mesh go Paint>Blend Shpaes>TargetWeights
The Paint Blend Shapes Weight Tool will be activated.
Under Tool Settings Select the Target(new blend shape)
Flood the value to 0 and then paint in only the effected area.

Test your rig out and see if it works. If it doesn't its probably the order of your inputs.
right click on your Base Mesh, and go to inputs>all inputs
the list of inputs pops up Everyone has a bunch of different inputs depending on the rig but you should have 3 in particular

  • skin cluster
  • Blend Shapes
  • tweak

I'm not sure which order they go in. Middle Mouse Drag them, play around with them to figure out which is the right order. Thats what i did. I was able to add Blend Shapes after the process.

Hope this helps. If not, Sorry.

It sounds like you have your deformation order , out of order.

 if you select your head mesh and look at the channel box ( below the channels)
 you will see the inputs for your mesh

 My guess is your order probably looks like this:


 the order of operations is what you want to change
 with the order above, the skeleton moves the mesh, and then the blendShape moves the mesh. the blendShape is 
based on "worldSpace" and so moves the mesh back to 0 0 0 

to fix this you want to change the deformation order

select your mesh
 and rt click and get the menu, and select   inputs --> allInputs...

this will open up a new window with all the inputs into your mesh

 middle mouse button select the blendShape, and drag it below the skinCluster

 to change your order to


so now the order of operations will be, move the mesh via blendshape, and then move via the skeleton.

if that was your issue, than this will fix it


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