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Maya Dragon Rig 3D Model

Free Maya Dragon Rig made by Truong CG Artist

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  • Maya (.ma, .mb) - v2012
  • Maya (.ma, .mb) - v2014
  • Maya (.ma, .mb) - v2014


Includes Normal MapYes
Detail Levelhigh
Avg. Textures Res.4k


Last Modified:02/07/2025
Total Size of Files: 364 MB
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  • vishal ratnalikar

    vishal ratnalikar said almost 6 years ago:

    Amazing rig. I made a fly cycle and i fould it very animation friendly .
    thanks for sharing 
  • tarun

    tarun said about 6 years ago:

    Good Model,Good Texture & Good Rig.Thanks for share with us:)
  • ravi bhushan

    ravi bhushan said over 6 years ago:

    whenever i am opening this Rig i am getting crash. can anyone plse help me out.
  • Unloading

    Unloading said almost 7 years ago:

    I am not sure what you mean by set project. I'v tried to set project to the file dragon v3 but when i press texture or 6 noting happens.
    Need help ASAP
  • asairin

    asairin said over 7 years ago:

    It's a beautiful model, but it's a bit of an unworkable rig by studio standards. I'll list the big issues with it. 
    -no clavicle/scapula controls. 
    -top IK spine control needs to have its pivot at about the center of the dragon's ribcage along it's spine, not at the base of the neck. 
    -base IK tail control does not swing entire tail despite setting its children controls to follow 10.
    -mid IK neck controls should work just like the mid IK spine control with no rotational control. 
    -wing "fingers" need to have some sort of automation, and the elbow finger is just a bit silly. 
    -rear foot does not have a true quadrupedal setup. Where you have the main foot control should actually be the ball of its foot, and the model appears to have two heels, which is a bit silly. A big problem with this setup is that without being able to lock the ball of the foot, making the character sit on its entire foot is near impossible. 
    -front "hand" IK controls need to have switchable Root, World, and Chest space control.
    Something that also would be nice is a root that has an adjustable pivot. When youre animating a flying dragon, you should be able to pivot the entire character at a point just below a point in between the shoulders. 
  • Clipdix

    Clipdix said over 7 years ago:

    Loved the rig! Super awesome for a shot I wanted to test out. I can't get it to render properly though. It turns out super bright everytime. Any suggetions?
  • adrian braicu

    adrian braicu said over 8 years ago:

    great rig how ever there seems to be some kind of connection with the rig file and the lighting file, when i dont use the lighting file there is a light source that is not showing up anywhere and i am unable to work with it or get rid of it. please let me no how i can use this rig with out any light source
  • cvbtruong

    cvbtruong said almost 9 years ago:

    Hi Chris, You can scale the dragon without any problem now. Let me know if you have any further issues. Best, Truong
  • Chris Robinson

    Chris Robinson said almost 9 years ago:

    This is the best dragon I have had the privilege of working with; thank you for sharing for FREE! That said, I'd like to do some test animations that use effects like bifrost aero; and unfortunately the dragon needs to be scaled in the scene to do this. When I attempted to scale the dragon, his spines don't stay put (they move all over his body and eventually, when I scale to .01, they crumple up underneath him). Let me know if there is a way to scale the dragon and keep the spines on his back in the same place relative to the dragon body.
  • cvbtruong

    cvbtruong said almost 9 years ago:

    Hi Sozzo98, I have this warning too. But nothing is serious about this, you can animate and render without any problem.

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