ekenryd added a feature request to rmbToolWin for Maya Report 2014-08-21 07:21:21 UTC
This is a very cool tool, but would it be possible to do many of its options on polygons instead of nurbs? Mayas nurbs are such a pain to work with... (more)
ekenryd reported a bug on Place Controller, Mirror Controller, Stack Controllers: Syn Scripts Pack 01 for Maya Report 2013-08-19 06:05:19 UTC
When I run "import synStackControllers" I get <br /><br /># Error: ImportError: file <maya console> line 1: Bad magic number in /swiss/people... (more)
ekenryd added a feature request to Lattice Tool for Maya Report 2013-08-05 07:15:40 UTC
Very nice script. But it would be even nicer if you added a way to run the whole script through one command instead of having to paste it into the ... (more)
ekenryd added a feature request to fePrimitives for Maya Report 2013-06-03 10:11:11 UTC
Would it be possible to get just a zip with all scripts/plugs to manually install them? (more)
ekenryd posted in Command for execution? in RandMats for Maya Report 2013-03-21 07:58:59 UTC
Oh, okay :) Thanks (more)
ekenryd posted in Command for execution? in RandMats for Maya Report 2013-03-18 08:54:08 UTC
Thanks for the reply. I want to run it from mel but it doesn't seem to work. If I type it like you did I, callPython "RandMats" "openRandMats... (more)
ekenryd posted in Command for execution? in RandMats for Maya Report 2013-03-18 07:54:05 UTC
If I copy/paste all the code into a python tab and run it, I get the script UI, but if I type:import randMats.pyrandMats..nothing happens. How do I... (more)
ekenryd posted in # Error: ImportError: cannot import name startfile # in Create dynamic chain from curve for Maya Report 2013-02-08 04:12:56 UTC
It works very well now! Glad you learned something, and thanks for a great script :) If you ever plan to expand the feature list, one thing t... (more)
ekenryd posted in # Error: ImportError: cannot import name startfile # in Create dynamic chain from curve for Maya Report 2013-02-05 04:11:54 UTC
This is the error I get when I runfrom chainCreator import * chainCreator()from a python-tab. I have put chainCreator.pyc into my script folder.May... (more)
ekenryd added a feature request to Place Highlight Tool for Maya Report 2013-01-04 03:08:21 UTC
What do I have to type in the script editor to run the script? import Tik_PlaceHighlight_v1.2 Tik_PlaceHighlight_v1.2() just gives me a synt... (more)
Comment7 on feature request