yuki radcliffe
yuki radcliffe posted in His jaw control is making his face implode in Dewi for Maya Report 2014-10-07 18:12:12 UTC
When I try to open his mouth more than a tiny, tiny bit, his mouth goes down through his belly. When I move his head control to face him upwards, h... (more)
yuki radcliffe reported a bug on Monica Rig for Maya Report 2014-08-26 17:33:35 UTC
There is a keyframe on her head controller
Sorry! This is a very small problem, and easy to fix. I already deleted it on my model. It might be frustrating, especially for beginning animators... (more)
yuki radcliffe added a feature request to Monica Rig for Maya Report 2014-08-26 17:13:14 UTC
I'm playing around with the Monica rig, and she's a lot of fun! I'm running into some problems with her hands, though. Her fingers will only cl... (more)
yuki radcliffe posted in Trouble making the skeleton in RH AutoRig for Maya Report 2014-04-01 16:55:16 UTC
Hi :)I'm having trouble getting started with the rig. I am following your tutorial closely but it's not working out how I expected. I made the skel... (more)
yuki radcliffe added a feature request to Grasshopper for Maya Report 2011-07-01 21:12:59 UTC
I took a look at the rig - it's great! Only problem I can find is that the controllers for the antennae aren't clickable - they're attached to the ... (more)
yuki radcliffe added a feature request to MAMOOTH for Maya Report 2011-06-25 14:23:10 UTC
It'd be awesome if his ears were animatable. Hard to get any secondary action in there when they're totally stiff. (more)
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