shaunchap posted in script box is too small in Skin Magic for Maya Report 2019-05-14 17:23:23 UTC
Hi, The window box for your script is too small to see all the buttons.Any chance you can make the window box resizable?Thanks so much for sharin... (more)
shaunchap posted in Install question in SLiB | VPR for Redshift for Maya Report 2016-05-10 11:05:39 UTC
Hi. Great looking plugin but I haven't got it to work yet.I get a lot of import errors on modules that are not found. I'm wondering if the .zip fi... (more)
shaunchap added a feature request to "Rapid Rig: Poser" for Maya for Maya Report 2014-01-21 15:05:11 UTC
'include translation' toggle when loading a pose
Hi Justin, Just started playing around with your Poser script. So far so good but I have my first request. Would it be possible to have a swit... (more)
shaunchap added V-Ray Tuner for Maya for Maya as a favorite Report 2013-10-24 14:45:58 UTC
An interface to a bunch of V-Ray for Maya controls and useful embedded scripts. (more)
shaunchap added round and triangular Roman Tuscan pediment and architrave low high 3D Model 3D Model as a favorite Report 2013-10-24 14:45:34 UTC
combined sale of our triangular and curved Roman Tuscan pediment. (more)
shaunchap added a feature request to Gamma Correct Color Swatches for Maya Report 2013-05-16 15:16:53 UTC
I very much appreciat your useful script. It would be even more useful for me if VRay shaders were supported. Possible to add? Thanks so much. (more)
shaunchap added a feature request to abxRenderLayers for Maya Report 2012-03-22 09:50:54 UTC
Does this script need to be updated to Maya 2012? I'm getting some errors when using it, but haven't fully tested it yet. Thanks. (more)
shaunchap posted in How To Use abxRenderLayers in abxRenderLayers for Maya Report 2011-11-23 10:28:28 UTC
I'm using Maya 2011 x64. (more)
shaunchap posted in How To Use abxRenderLayers in abxRenderLayers for Maya Report 2011-11-23 10:26:35 UTC
I'm having the same problems as Tristan Maduro on Mar. 15, 2011. When I run "rebuild all layers" I get : // Error: Cannot convert data of type ... (more)
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