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Quadruped Rigger -- automated rigging for four legged characters 1.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

Automated rigging for four legged characters in Maya to get a solid rig for animation with a short setup time.

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Last Modified:09/27/2016
File Size: 123 KB


animation, maya, mel, Rigging, Tips


RotateY with main control distorts character and partly flips at 180 deg

Submitted by: Christian Docksey Christian Docksey
Hello... I'm in extreme tight deadline and prepared for all night animating, but when I place character in scene and rotate initial position using main controller ( circle shape at base), portions of the character distort, stay behind and flip at 180 degrees. It looks as if there is a bone or influencer that does not rotate and has skinning weight, so it distorts character (a beaver).  I skinned using all the bones that appear in the skinning control sets. I have the problem with all the rigging ansd skinning attempts I had made for the character. I attach image of problem. The deformation is gradual from 0 to 180 and then flips sides.

I'd appreciate to let me know if you have any idea how I can solve the problem so I can start animating.

Thanks.... great script !! 

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    i clemens

    i clemens said about 11 years ago:

    Hi Christian, the only thing that comes to my mind is that you have the neck and tail follow turned off. If so, the neck and tail stay oriented to the world and only the body rotates. The mentioned attributes are on the hip_ctrl and chest_ctrl. If this is not the problem than it's hard to say only from th picture you attached. I would have to take a look at the scene and check the rig. Anyway, it's not a known problem and I just tested it with a character I did a while ago and rotating the main control works just as expected. So it must be something related to your scene. Ingo
  • Christian Docksey

    Christian Docksey said about 11 years ago:

    Thanks for your reply Ingo.... Desperate to solve the problem so that I could animate the character that evening I found that it was due to similar problem that was posted as well about the scapula. Indeed, deleting the Ikhandle of the scapula solved the issue. With everthing that happened and everything I tried, I cannot tell you if I scaled or not the wrong node although I can assure you that the problem existed in a model that had not been scaled at all after rigging with your script.I can only imagine that an unintentional bad mouse click somewhere or not deleting history in model or doing something wrong while painting weights might have caused it.. I can't say. I would have been nice to know exactly why so as to avoid it happening again. Anyway, I thank you for such a halpful script and I have to thank "freakjointz" who also had this problem because he discovered that removing the ikhandle solved the immediate problem of distortion. Christian
  • Nenno

    Nenno said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi Christian und hi Ingo, even if it's kind of late I had the same problem a long time ago. Then I got this script which fixed this bug so far: string $ikL = "L_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; string $ikR = "R_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; delete $ikL $ikR; string $ik[] = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj L_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee L_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikL`; parent $ik[0] L_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikL + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint L_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0]; $ik = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj R_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee R_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikR`; parent $ik[0] R_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikR + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint R_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0]; It helped for fixing the deformation at the shoulder parts, but there is still some slight random transformation in the hip area/ back legs. Anyway the script could be useful maybe. thanks again ;)
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    newlee said about 10 years ago:

    [quote=nenno]Hi Christian und hi Ingo, even if it's kind of late I had the same problem a long time ago. Then I got this script which fixed this bug so far: string $ikL = "L_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; string $ikR = "R_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; delete $ikL $ikR; string $ik[] = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj L_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee L_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikL`; parent $ik[0] L_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikL + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint L_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0]; $ik = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj R_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee R_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikR`; parent $ik[0] R_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikR + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint R_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0]; It helped for fixing the deformation at the shoulder parts, but there is still some slight random transformation in the hip area/ back legs. Anyway the script could be useful maybe. thanks again ;)[/quote] WOW !!! Thanks for yours fix !

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