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Road Maker Tool 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Creates and cuts in a road using 2 curves and a terrain mesh.

(qty: 1)

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/21/2018
File Size: 27.5 KB


make, track


Hangs after creating road but before stitching

Submitted by: Kyle Youngblom Kyle Youngblom
Hey there. This works great for creating the road geometry, but I can't get it to stich to my terrain mesh. It'll create the road geometry, but then the progress indicator hangs at 59% every time (I left it for an hour to be sure). "Make live disabled" shows up briefly at the top of the scene view. My cursor stays as the spinning indicator until I close the Road Maker dialogue. I've tried it on two different machines in Maya 2016 and 2017 with the same results. Any suggestions?

Replies to this question:

  • joja15

    joja15 said over 6 years ago:

    I am actually running into the same problem. It works on a super simple terrain mesh but on any kind of detailed terrain mesh it hangs. I don't know if it crashes or if it just takes a long time to process. I wish I had read this forum first before purchasing. :-(
    It would be nice for the author to respond to this support thread. It appears that he responded to a new question but chose to ignore this one. I tried it on Maya 2017.
  • surrealdan

    surrealdan said over 6 years ago:

    Having this exact problem, kinda regret buying this now if its not going to work. Hope the author can fix this ASAP.

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