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Scene Constructor 0.9.1 for Maya (maya script)

Animate a finished scene being put together

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Last Modified:08/01/2022
File Size: 137 KB


Error when loading script

Submitted by: SirJim SirJim
First off, nice work on this tool, the script will be a huge time saver and looks great! I'm really eager to try this out but I can't load it without an error.
Note: I tried this on both Maya 2016 ext 2 and 2018 and am getting the exact same error.
What I did:
1. Put the .py file inside the "C:\Users\<name>\Documents\maya\scripts" folder
2. Launched maya
3. loaded script editor and navigated to the python tab
4. executed:
from SceneConstructor import UserInterface as sc_ui;
5. Error I recieved:

# Error: line 1: TypeError: file <maya console> line 2: unbound method display() must be called with UserInterface instance as first argument (got nothing instead) #

Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong? 

Replies to this question:

  • SirJim

    SirJim said over 7 years ago:

    I figured out how to get the UI to load. In case anyone else runs into the same problem, This is the modified python script that worked for me:

    from SceneConstructor import UserInterface;
    sc_ui = UserInterface()


  • Replyindent
    Peter Hunt

    Peter Hunt said over 7 years ago:

    Glad you found a fix, and please let me know if you do anything cool with it, nobodies really used it so far :)   For the record, the issue with your first comment is you used "sc_ui" instead of "sc_ui()", but I have just noticed you were literally following my instructions, so I just updated the description haha.

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