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Slap on Auto Rigging for Body and Face 4.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

A 15 minute setup to Rig any Bipedal character's face and body

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  • 2013

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Last Modified:10/02/2018
File Size: 14.1 MB


Mesh gapping at shoulder

Submitted by: davidtouring davidtouring

Hi again.  In both 2.02 and 2.03, immediately after Slapping on the Rig, the shoulders pull away from the head mesh and create a gap in your character.  I'm running Maya 2015 on Win7.

On this head mesh topic - I have some questions about how to use SOR with my model. I'm prototyping with a segmented manikin that the designer has merged into a single mesh. 

I haven't figured out how to seperate it in Maya, but can break all the meshes out in Modo.  Creating one body mesh will be easy.  The head mesh would probably need to end at the base of the neck and not include any clavical / shoulder area - which is different from your model.

Is any of this actually necessary?  The manikin has no face or hair.

My goal is to animate the character in Maya and then export all of it to Unreal Engine 4.6.  The Unity export feature looks promising but is it destructive?  The rig seems to disappear and I'm not finding hidden assets or a clone.

On import into UE4 the model is rotated 180 around the X (she is upside down and facing back).  Then again, when opening the default scene in Maya the character seems rotated 90 on the X as her feet stick thru the grid instead of stand on it.


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    badmanjam said about 10 years ago:

    Hi again. In both 2.02 and 2.03, immediately after Slapping on the Rig, the shoulders pull away from the head mesh and create a gap in your character. I'm running Maya 2015 on Win7. THIS IS BECAUSE THE CHARACTER IS NOT SKINNED. IF YOU LOOK AT THE FACE ANIMATION CONTROLS YOU WILL SEE THAT SHE DEFORMS BADLY. THE "sam animateME 2013" FILE IS SKINNED. NO AUTO RIG WILL SKIN YOUR CHARACTERS PERFECTLY. THAT IS WHY I HAVE A SKINNING TUTORIAL TOO. On this head mesh topic - I have some questions about how to use SOR with my model. I'm prototyping with a segmented manikin that the designer has merged into a single mesh. SOR? I haven't figured out how to seperate it in Maya, but can break all the meshes out in Modo. Creating one body mesh will be easy. The head mesh would probably need to end at the base of the neck and not include any clavical / shoulder area - which is different from your model. THIS IS NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER. AS LONG AS YOU CALL THE HEAD head_anim, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FINE. DO A FEW EXPERIMENTS. Is any of this actually necessary? The manikin has no face or hair. THE STEPS IN THE SETUP MUST BE FOLLOWED IN ORDER TO HAVE THE RIG WORK. My goal is to animate the character in Maya and then export all of it to Unreal Engine 4.6. The Unity export feature looks promising but is it destructive? The rig seems to disappear and I'm not finding hidden assets or a clone. ITS COMPLETELY NON DESTRUCTIVE. THE WHOLE RIG GETS DUPLICATED. PLEASE REVIEW THE INSTRUCTION VIDEO WHERE THIS IS EXPLAINED. On import into UE4 the model is rotated 180 around the X (she is upside down and facing back). Then again, when opening the default scene in Maya the character seems rotated 90 on the X as her feet stick thru the grid instead of stand on it. AS I HAVE EXPERIMENTED WITH UNITY AND NOT UE4, I CANNOT GIVE YOU AN EASY ANSWER, BUT I THINK YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IN THE EXPORT OPTIONS BOX IN MAYA. HAPPY ANIMATING WYNAND LENS
  • Replyindent

    davidtouring said about 10 years ago:

    Maybe I've not found the correct switch. After the Unity Export the 'all_anim' Visibility is set to OFF. Toggling this to ON will cause the animation controls to appear but all the meshes are selectable with a LMB click.
  • Replyindent

    davidtouring said about 10 years ago:

    Ah, I found the switch to turn the animation controls back on after using Unity Export. And applying 180 degrees rotation on the 'Roll' axis on import into UE4 is an easy way to handle the orientation change. David
  • davidtouring

    davidtouring said about 10 years ago:

    Wynand, Thanks for bringing the videos to my attention - I had only seen the overview. I've been able to rig a character from Mixamo / Fuse using Slap On. They provide body and head as a single mesh. While eyes and teeth are included, there is no tongue. After slicing off the head to create head_geo - the quickest way to rig the character is to first create a mesh sphere and call it a tongue. This exercise does highlight some improvements that could be made to your script error handling. It will fail if expected geometries are not found. I'd be very happy if it just told me that eyes / tongue / teeth / head are not found but it created the remaining parts of the rig. This would make it easier to use your product with prototype mesh / Mixamo type characters. Regards, David
  • Replyindent

    davidtouring said almost 10 years ago:

    That probably means I need your email address. I've submitted a friend request here so we can exchange info. David
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    badmanjam said about 10 years ago:

    Rad! Just compress your vids, stick it in a RAR file and wetransfer it to me. Thank you so much!
  • Replyindent

    davidtouring said about 10 years ago:

    I'd be happy to pull together a wish list but it will probably change as I learn. What is the best way to send .mb or videos since this could be better than text for some items?
  • Replyindent

    badmanjam said about 10 years ago:

    Hi David You are absolutely right. My script does not do well with error handling. When I wrote it I wrote it specifically for getting the robust rig out, no frills. Now that it has been established I can add all the other extensions and requirements. David, may I ask you for a wish list, please?
  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said about 10 years ago:

    Ha! SOR = Slap On Rig Just figured that out. Too many acronyms in the world!
  • Replyindent

    badmanjam said about 10 years ago:

    Holy heck. I Love SOAR. Stolen! :)
  • Replyindent

    davidtouring said about 10 years ago:

    Yes I thought SOARFBAF would be much too long. But perhaps SOAR is even better. David

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