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Speed Facial Rig : Enhance your character - Lite Version 2.0.5 for Maya (maya script)

Speed Facial Rig is rigging tool for none rigger who want have a realistic facial animation.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/21/2016
File Size: 336 KB


For use in continuous joint chain for games?

Submitted by: Intuition Intuition
I often have to rig characters for game engines like unreal 3 and 4. These often need continuous joint chains as opposed to floating joints. I can see that your tools create the blendshape curves on floating joints which is much easier to manage. Yet for games the hierarchy wont work if the setup can't fit inside of a continuous joint chain.


I was imagining that it could work if I simply had a joint from the head jnt reaching out to each joint in your face rig joints. Essentially still using your rig to do the face animation but having a secondary set of joints that are simply IN the joint chain following your original joint/controller setups. 

Though I'd have to skin to those "reaching out" joints instead of the originals. This would at least give users a continuous joint chain for use in game engines.

This might be something to consider for future versions. 

Thanks for the great tool though. :D 

Replies to this question:

  • lacuna

    lacuna said about 9 years ago:

    Hi, for the moment, this system is not compatible with game engines. The reason of that is the structure of the script itself. I will dev an another tool for game engine but not today :p, i am sorry. Actually i prefer continue to dev this tool for animation movie and cinema movie, and make the greatest tool as possible. Many people ask me to dev this script to works with game engine, i hear you and i understand what you need. I come back with this tool in early 2016.

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