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Max for Maya 1.1.4 for Maya

Maya character rig

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  • 2008, 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:06/04/2008
File Size: 3.58 MB
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  • SagInTheBag

    SagInTheBag said over 16 years ago:

    Thanks for the shoulder fix. That really helps. Great rig! :-)
  • james.hunt

    james.hunt said over 16 years ago:

    Hello fellow animators, Some of you guys and girls are having problem with the shoulder control, so I thought I could write here to tell you how to solve it. The problem your having has actually nothing to do with the rig, it's a problem called gimbal lock that can occur on all rigs. It has to do with how the computer calculates rotations in 3D. But there are ways around it! The first and best thing to do is to select the control your having problems with, go into the attribute editor and change the rotation order. The rotation order on the shoulder control is now XZY which works fine for some situations but you probably want to change it to something like XYZ. The only problem with this is that if you already have animated in XZY it will probably mess up your existing animation on the shoulder if you change the rotation order. Another way of solving the problem is by animating in local mode instead of gimbal mode. This is done by holding down the E key and the left mouse button. There you can choose Local. This will prevent gimbal lock showing, but it doesn't always get rid of the problem. Hope this helps you out!
  • oneups

    oneups said over 16 years ago:

    I also ran into problems with the shoulder. If I rotate in the Z axis beyond a certain point, the arms will no longer rotate only in the Y axis, but rather it causes the arm to rotate in multiple axis making it difficult to animate. Otherwise the rig is great, easy to use.
  • bluder_

    bluder_ said over 17 years ago:

    very nice rigg indeed. some things i would to see in the next version is: -squash for the head. -controls for ears and nose -making it possible to rotate the spine in fk and at the same time being able to use the squash and stretch. -make the pelvis/hip area effected by the squash from spine aswell? maybe its just a preference but some how it looks weird to me. still an excellent rigg!
  • happy2ky

    happy2ky said over 17 years ago:

    MAX RULES! Best free rig I've got so far.
  • spiderjan

    spiderjan said over 17 years ago:

    wow, this is a fast and solid rig with some nice features. The simple mesh makes this rig perfect to learn to animate with. And what a nice lighting setup!!!

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