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Align Pivot to Selection MEL 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Aligns the object pivot along a selected normal which can be defined by a face, edges or vertices.

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014


Last Modified:12/11/2011
File Size: 2.59 KB
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  • fzhiq

    fzhiq said almost 9 years ago:

  • Roman Yuferev

    Roman Yuferev said over 10 years ago:

    why it rotate geometry by 117 degrees?
  • Luciano Iurino

    Luciano Iurino said over 11 years ago:

    Fully working on 2014, too. Grat tool, it saved me a lot of time. Thanks!
  • dickagm

    dickagm said almost 12 years ago:

    Cool, exactly what I searched for. Thanks!
  • Fake Pilot

    Fake Pilot said almost 12 years ago:

    Even worked on Maya 2014, OSX mountain lion. Think you might have missed something, Angelo? Thanks for a great script!
  • eyteneyer

    eyteneyer said about 12 years ago:

    Many Thanks! For great script!
  • angelo gadelha

    angelo gadelha said about 12 years ago:

    cant using on maya 2013 osx
  • hansoschmando

    hansoschmando said about 12 years ago:

    Great Thanks First I had Problems and thought it wouldn't work but I just forget to set the Move Axis of the Move tool back to Object :D
  • Nurika

    Nurika said over 12 years ago:

    Iwas looking for this! Thanks so much!
  • Alexandr Chernega

    Alexandr Chernega said about 13 years ago:

    Невероятно полезный скрипт, огромное спасибо! Improbably useful script, many thanks!

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