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Create dynamic chain from curve 2.0.4 for Maya (maya script)

Generate chains from selected curves, ready for animation and very fast (but realistic) dynamic simulation.

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/01/2013
File Size: 19.4 KB
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11-16 of 16

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  • Valerio Di Napoli

    Valerio Di Napoli said about 13 years ago:

    Hi arlidar, the chain can collide with any Nucleus object (nRigid, nCloth, nParticles), so just set the colliders as nCloth. The geometry that simulates (driving the final mesh) is inside the group "proxy collider." I suggest you read the nCloth documentation in Maya Help. The script is freeware, so you can freely use it for a commercial. I only ask to reserve the attribution right of the scipt including eventually my name (if possible). Thank you!
  • arlidar

    arlidar said about 13 years ago:

    Hi. Good job. There are a few questions. How to Make Initial State And is it possible to use a chain of commercial projects.
  • bumgardenonly

    bumgardenonly said over 13 years ago:

  • mascio

    mascio said over 13 years ago:

    Nice try!!! Grande Valeriooo!!! :)
  • Valerio Di Napoli

    Valerio Di Napoli said over 13 years ago:

    I'm sorry that it doesn't work on Linux Maya 2009, I've actually written it entirely on Windows7 Maya 2012 x64 and I tried to use commands as simple as possible to make sure it was compatible with earlier versions and all platforms. I'll try to understand what's the problem with Linux. Thank you very much for your useful report. - Valerio
  • Somongkol Teng

    Somongkol Teng said over 13 years ago:

    Hello, my friend. Your script is superb. However, it does not work with my Linux maya 2009 SP1. Maya 2012 is waste of RAM. Thanks for your great effort for the communities. I am looking forward to this special script in Linux soon..:) Cheers Chulsa

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