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DinoNoiseIt 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

add noise to selected channels in the channelBox

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/18/2013
File Size: 1.62 KB


animation, channels

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  • Dino

    Dino said about 11 years ago:

    Hello Cody, thank you for your nice feedback. Actually you are right, the fact that the script locks the channel is a feature that I discovered being useless by using the script myself. The idea behind this simple script is that you apply the noise only to top transform nodes that you only use for the noise. I have realized that removing the lock, allows to put keyframes on the noised channels, controlled by the noise expression, and to create the blend node that you can use for switching the noise on and off. Removing the lock is very easy, open the dinoNoiseIt.mel script with whatever editor, go to the very last line of the script: setAttr -lock true $objAttr; and comment it by typing // in front of it so it becomes: //setAttr -lock true $objAttr; save the script and you are done. :) Personally I do not use animation layers, I prefer to layer animations on top transform nodes so I can not suggest you the perfect workflow with animation layers. Cheers, Dino
  • Cody Childress

    Cody Childress said about 11 years ago:

    Awesome script! It seems to be working fine w/ 2013 x64. Thank you! It locks the channel you apply the noise to, which wouldn't be a problem if you could just keep the noise on it's own animation layer, but this doesn't seem to be able to work like that. Am I missing something, is adding noise to a keyframed channel possible? The only alternative I see is to have your rig/animated object to have a place in the heirarchy reserved for the noise... not the coolest option though.

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