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mfAnimIO 1.3.1 for Maya (maya script)

animation im/export tool, very fast, import without export

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x

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  • Irix
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Last Modified:03/20/2010
File Size: 167 KB


animation, transfer, out, In

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  • Manjit Jhita

    Manjit Jhita said over 14 years ago:

    Hi Martin Thanks for the help. The tool really kicks ass! will there be a version for Maya 2011? Thanks
  • martin freitag

    martin freitag said almost 15 years ago:

    Hi Manjit Jhita, the installation should be very easy, since it comes with an install_notes.txt in the archive. The main thing is, to put the files in the maya overall script folder, not the versionized one and that’s it. But I guess you made it already. About your second question to the export I can just say it exports any animation. Animation means there is an animationcurve connected to it. So if you animate the bones, than this animation will be exported as well as if you animate something else. Important is, that you have at least one key on it. So if you key your controllers, this animation will be exported. There are two ways of exporting. You can select a maya namespace via the UI of the tool and it will export all animationcurves connected to the objects in this namespace or you choose to export just the animationcurves connected to you scene selection. however, the tool also comes with a detailed help. Just click on the question mark in the UI at the lower right and it jumps to the open topic (export or import) in your browser. If this does not work you may open the html files manually from your scriptfolder/help directory.
  • Manjit Jhita

    Manjit Jhita said almost 15 years ago:

    It seems to only export bone information and no the controlers
  • Manjit Jhita

    Manjit Jhita said almost 15 years ago:

    As a newbie to Maya this the exact tool I've been looking for. My one problem is running the script. i have it extracted to Maya/scripts as is requested but can't seem to run it in Maya 2009. Could you please explain the steps i need to take to get the tool up and running in Maya. Thanks

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