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OBJ[I/O] - OBJ Sequences Import/Export 4.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

This tool helps importing and exporting OBJ sequences and single OBJs

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Last Modified:08/26/2022
File Size: 26.5 KB



Submitted by: joelnberg joelnberg
Hi, when I load in my sequence, it comes in backwards. Frames are from 1044-1054. I cannot seem to flip the sequence at all?

Replies to this question:

  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said over 9 years ago:

    Hi, I suppose your sequence is not in fact reversed. Maybe in the "Select OBJ Sequence files to import" dialog you have the name column in descending order? Have a look at the "file name:" field at the botton, select the files and check if the files names are in ascending order, 1044-1045-1046-1047 and so on. I have checked it and the selection order is important, for instance if your files are sorted by size when you select the files the order is not by name but by size. So, check if the files are shown in the dialog in the correct order when you select them. Other than this I cannot figure out any other explanation without more info. If none of this solves the problem, a workaround could be to reverse the name sorting in the dialog from 1044-1045-1046-1047..... to 1054-1053-1052-1051.... and select all frames, this would import the animation reversed making it in fact not reversed in your case. Let me know if your problem is solved. Cheers.
  • Erik_Johanssen

    Erik_Johanssen said over 3 years ago:

    I have a same problem. The order of files is looking ok, but when I import it looks terrible.

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