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abxRenderLayers 1.6.0 for Maya (maya script)

Powerful tools to manage, export, and rebuild Maya's Render Layers

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

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Last Modified:06/16/2015
File Size: 16.9 KB


How To Use abxRenderLayers

Submitted by: J Adam Burke J Adam Burke

Download the abxRenderLayers.mel from
Place the mel file in a maya script folder or source the .mel file from within maya
In Maya, run abxRenderLayers();
You'll notice the Render Layer Editor menu now says "abxLayers" instead of layers and new menu items can be found here as well as by right-clicking specific layers.

It shows a list by category of that layers member objects, attribute overrides, and shader overrides. You can select individual render layer overrides and remove them.

Right-click on specific render layers and click on "List Edits" This will display a window similar to the Maya Reference Edit List Window.

Right-click on specific render layers and click on "Export Layer" This will bring up a file save dialog window. Specify a location and file name. Maya will write a user readable mel file that when executed or imported will recreate the exported layer including all settings, members, and overrides. (NOTE: objects and shaders nodes are NOT exported, thte must already be present in a scene you wish to import a render layer to)

Specify a Render Layer.mel file to import. abxRenderLayers will check to make sure it is a valid render layer export from abxRenderLayers and then create the render layer. The render layer cannot already exist in the scene file otherwise it will not import properly. I'm working on a prompt for overwriting for renaming while importing on an update soon.

Click on abxLayers menu in the Render Layer Editor and select "Export All Layers" This will bring up a file save dialog window. Specify the location and filename prefix for the multiple render layers that will be saved.

This will automatically Export All Layers to a temp location, delete the current render layers in your scene (clearing any render layer trouble) and reimport the layers from the temp location. This is useful for clearing locked render layers

Click on abxLayers menu in the Render Layer Editor and select "Rebuild All Layers"

This will display a list of any failed reference edits that could potentially be locking your render layers. You can inspect the failed edits and remove them all at once if desired. This will unlock render layers in the render layer editor, but might leave junk overrides that give warnings when you switch layers. You can remove these junk overrides using the "List Edits" function or instead use the Rebuild All Layers function to neatly rebuild all your layers as they were.

Replies to this question:

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    shaunchap said over 13 years ago:

    I'm using Maya 2011 x64.
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    shaunchap said over 13 years ago:

    I'm having the same problems as Tristan Maduro on Mar. 15, 2011. When I run "rebuild all layers" I get : // Error: Cannot convert data of type string[] to type string. // I also don't see the "Diagnose Ref Lock" option in the menu. Can you help?
  • Tristan Maduro

    Tristan Maduro said about 14 years ago:

    I cannot find the Diagnose ref lock menu item in the abxLayers menu...When I try and run the "rebuild all Layers"..I get // Error: Cannot convert data of type string[] to type string. From what I can tell...none of the commands seem to remedy my locked render layer woes.. Do you offer support for this $20 script??
  • dreamsvchat

    dreamsvchat said almost 14 years ago:

    it's working for maya 2009 one big problem when i use this script (rebuild all layers) all layers problem slove but master Layer no chage that wire frame problem what can i do plz reply me.

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