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Maya Icon Creator 1.1.0

Shelf icon creator for Maya

Button download


Last Modified:08/31/2010
File Size: 59.8 KB


maya, creator, adobe, AIR

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  • cesartaqui

    cesartaqui said almost 7 years ago:

    Thanks! quick and simple. Need updates to windows 10
  • said about 7 years ago:

    This tool is fantasic and I use it all the time in my Maya workflow on my home Windows machine. I love the fact that it's well-thought out. There's another icon creator that actually costs money, but the text for it is tiny, which in my opinion kills it. This program gives you two options for text size, and the interface is intuitive enough that you'll be motivated to create custom shelf buttons for all your custom stuff.
    And looking at the "Last Updated" date, I can see this was created seven years ago. Yet it still holds up. Great job, MR. Meigo Kukk!
  • youhoe kim

    youhoe kim said over 8 years ago:

    Thank you! This tool is help to me!
  • Teemu Eramaa

    Teemu Eramaa said over 10 years ago:

    Amazing tool! So quick and simple, thank you very much!!!

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