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Anim_picker 1.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

This tool allows you to create a graphical interface for quick animation controls selection

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  • 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/08/2013
File Size: 53.6 KB


maya, animation, pyqt, pyside, Rig


First attempt to a picker template

Submitted by: CharlieWales CharlieWales
I just made this picker, I uploaded a screenshot in case you feel like using it to showcase the tool. As said, it is just a test.

All suitable controls in the picker have a custom 'Reset' command. My idea for the picker template would be to attach a number of custom commands to each control. For example add also commands for keying the control, copy the current frame, copy the animation of the control, paste already copied animation on the control, delete animation, ik/fk switching/matching, etc... and have all this functionality by default. Then all you have to do is associate each picker control with its corresponding animation control(s) and with the __CONTROLS__ variable that you provide all should work like a charm, shouldn't it?

That's when the idea of a Maya Radial Marking menu came to my mind, because it would be so much quicker to launch these commands. Do you know if it is possible to attach a cmds.popupMenu() to a PyQt widget?

Well, it is quite a long text already so I stop, I don't want to be boring :). The fact is that I am very content with the tool, I think it can be very powerfull. Thanks for making it available!!!

Replies to this question:

  • Guillaume Barlier

    Guillaume Barlier said over 11 years ago:

    i'll admit that a much nicer looking picker, i simply didn't have time nor the patience to do a nice one, so i think advertise that one :p As for the template it is possible to provide it with the package or oven to add them as extra files here i guess. I'm sure some people would be happy, yours must have taken some time :p since you can overlay layers, that's what i did on my simple one, the background white boxes, select the controls sets. Guess that's what your white lines represent ^^ As for the default animation options for keying, copying, moving etc, maya already does that with shortcuts and the timeline and animators are used to it. So it's just a question of tastes in the end. I don't think it should be part of a template, but since it's possible to provide any number, some could have them. What i intended was more to provide a UI, than, each rig, and each pipeline has it's own specificities. People usually have thoses functions ready for their rig, so they just have to add the menu when they need it and call their script from there. Nothing stoping them from saving a custom template for their future use. I'd rather not start having to provide support for thoses types of custom functions. But if you want to you can build up a little library and share it on CC as an addon if you think it has it's place ^^ You can even provide your very own custom templates to work with your libraries etc. As for the radial menu, unfortunately cmds.popupMenu() wouldn't work i think. The only way would be to re-build' that behavior in Qt, there might be code around for that already.
  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said over 11 years ago:

    Totally agree, just some thoughts of mine, things I plan to do, and I won't lie, it took me some time! :D Thanks again and cheers!

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