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Boris with Facial GUI 1.0.0 for Maya

Boris Rig

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  • 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:04/22/2007
File Size: 1.91 MB
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  • roman1001

    roman1001 said almost 13 years ago:

    Really excellent model! Thank you so much for making this free! I had the same problem rendering in Maya 2012 but was able to get it to work by following the steps on this post (by Sanctuary): I then saved a new file, reopened, and it rendered just fine.
  • man boy

    man boy said about 13 years ago:

    why cant i render this,even a single frame wont render pc hangs up
  • jraja

    jraja said about 15 years ago:

    Thanks and this is so cool James...I will sure use this in my works and give you the credits...!
  • Shuu

    Shuu said over 15 years ago:

    This is a pretty decent semi-realistic facial rig, with pretty good controls allowing some very nice lip-sync acting. Though there are few issues with the way the face is rigged, where certain muscle are moving incorrectly, such as the upper eyelid blink would cause the cheek to move up, where as in real life, the upper eye lid would just come down on its own. Also the left brow is causing the right cheek to move, where the right doesn't, so when moving both side of the brows, the face would look pretty strange.
  • flak_monkey

    flak_monkey said almost 18 years ago:

    I think that this rig could use some serious revisions. There are no controls for the nose by itself that I can find, and it is difficult to do any one thing on the face, even though it's technically impossible to do in reality, without everything moving. I do not like how the brow is set up, I would like to have the option to turn the reactive musculature off. I also cannot make him blink all the way for some reason. Overall, it's an excellent rig, and I really like the modelling. But it has some severe limitations. Where are the lower lip controls? Also, when you can make him blink, you cannot raise the brow at the same time without the eyes opening back up.
  • andylt1

    andylt1 said almost 18 years ago:

    Very high quality and proffesional. big thanks
  • Harshad Bari

    Harshad Bari said almost 18 years ago:

    You have done a nice job. The shapes are really fluid and theres no skin crashing even at extremes(unless someone does it purposefully... hehe).
  • Cyclic Goddard

    Cyclic Goddard said almost 18 years ago:

    I have to say, this is a great character... I have always wanted to create a head with all of these expressions. It would be fun to get a version with a baked texture like you have in the preview.

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