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dinoRig 2.0.0 for Maya

free dinosaur animation rig for maya 2010 by Harry Gladwin-Geoghegan

Button download


  • 2010

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/04/2010
File Size: 5.1 MB

To have textures automatically applied please extract the .zip file to your c:// drive, above is a rig feature video...

Here is my second release of the dinoRig I tried to take into account everyones feedback and include all
features that were requested. The model is by a friend of mine Timur Mehmet who's
portfolio URL is in the readme. The dinosaur model is an albertosaurus, normal/specular/diffuse maps
are included. Ive also supplied you with an .ma and .mb of the rig.

UPDATED v2.0 Features
- Proxy/Low Res/High Res switch
- FK overrides on the Auto Toe Flop
- FK and Automatic Tail Rigs
- Nostril Flares/Blinks
- Updated Texturing/Skinning

v1.0 Features
- Spline IK with FK control
- Scaleable
- Automated toe flop
- Neck/Tail Orients
- Jaw/Tongue Control
- Foot Roll

As with my harryRig, this is for non commercial use, however feel free to animate with this
rig as long as you give credit to me for using it. Also if you like the animation youve created
feel free to send me a link to it at and i may include it in my showreel.

Thanks! Harry Gladwin - Geoghegan

Showreel is now complete -

Thank You for downloading this rig...

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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Please rate and review in the Review section.

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