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Elephant 2.0.0 for Maya

Elephant, Rigged, Free version

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  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/29/2011
File Size: 11.7 MB


dbdfx, free, 52 creatures

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  • mojoon78

    mojoon78 said about 4 years ago:

    I found this while I was looking for an animation assignment.Can I use this for my assignment in ani-tribe?
  • Daniel Brosnan

    Daniel Brosnan said over 10 years ago:

    @Liza Kurenkov Sure thing, just leave a comment with a link to your reel afterwards. Thanks for using my rig. Dan
  • lizak

    lizak said over 10 years ago:

    Awesome rig, dude. Thanks so much for posting it! Would it be ok for me to use it in my reel? You will be credited of course.
  • CreativeCreature

    CreativeCreature said over 10 years ago:

    Here is my experience of the rig. It's nice especially given that there is a large lack of animal rigs out there, but it has a lot of range of motion issues. The legs are set up incorrectly there should be 3 bones going down the leg but there are only two. so it looks like it's walking with a stiff foot most of the time. The tail is a hazard to animate and requires tons of frames, it should have been a simple fk setup but instead it's ik for some reason. I feel like have almost no control over where I want to trunk to go and i'm sure it would be next to impossible to animate the trunk grabbing a large object.
  • mohammad hosseinpour

    mohammad hosseinpour said over 10 years ago:

    its great rig.i animated walk cycle (maya scene file and preview file)
  • Jessica Lohse

    Jessica Lohse said over 12 years ago:

    This is an excellent rig, the textures loaded just fine with my dl. Renders beautifully and lifelike. I like the movement options, the elephant's rear can swing and its trunk and tail are rigged with good controls. Good work!
  • Flavio Mandriola

    Flavio Mandriola said over 13 years ago:

    Great rig overall, but still room for improvement. Here are couple notes how you can improve: - control of his eyes, including eye lids - trunk has "two fingers" on the tip of its trunk that is used to grab objects with - feet has elastic spongy cushion to absolve impact, so feet needs squash and stretch controls - front feet ankles need to be fixed, front ankles work like human knees watch this video and notice how the feet squash when touch the floor and how front ankles need to bend Thanks for sharing the rig, this is a great start looking forward to see new updates
  • poopri

    poopri said almost 14 years ago:

    I am nt able 2 find texture files...plz help..
  • Jamesanimaya

    Jamesanimaya said almost 14 years ago:

    I can't understand the positive reviews of this rig. Initially I thought it was a very good rig, and I do like the charcater model/design, but when I attempted to animate it I found that the ankles are positioned in completely the wrong place, and so this spoils the anatomy. If you try to animate the correct positions on the feet it's impossible to get the correct shapes. I had to abort this work and start again in Softimage XSi which comes with an excellent free elephant rig in the student edition. I do not regret it because the work I did with that rig turned out really well and it is brilliantly modelled, textured and weighted. The rig is a standard quadruped rig. Take great care if you do animate this rig because those ankles are way off, sorry.
  • mansh singh

    mansh singh said almost 14 years ago:

    Man i am so freaking thankful , what a contribution , you saved my months/

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