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Fazee_Rig 1.0.0 for Maya

humanoid type rig for maya

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  • 2008


Last Modified:08/27/2008
File Size: 1.78 MB
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  • Amit Das

    Amit Das said over 11 years ago:

    The rig is really good so i will give 6 out 5 and you inspired other artist to set a benchmark like this . Once again the rig is really awesome.
  • Ijucho

    Ijucho said about 13 years ago:

    I downloaded this model and rig. It works good for what i needed. However: I cant batch render it. Rendered on a frame by frame basis it renders fine, but if batch rendered it says render complete after a minute and no images rendered. I tried batch rendering a simple animated sphere and it worked, imported the model to the scene, nothing else, same parameters and nothing. I even erased everything that it imported and the same scene would not batch render anymore. Tried maya software, mental, draft quality, everything with no result. I am on a Dell precission M6600 16 GB RAM core i7 win 7 64bit. tried on 3 other different computers, including a MacPro, but none worked. Anyone can provide help? An error show when opening the file "The target block is already occupied by another HUD". I also noted that I cant create any lights.
  • Ijucho

    Ijucho said about 13 years ago:

    I downloaded this model and rig. It works good for what i needed. However: I cant batch render it. Rendered on a frame by frame basis it renders fine, but if batch rendered it says render complete after a minute and no images rendered. I tried batch rendering a simple animated sphere and it worked, imported the model to the scene, nothing else, same parameters and nothing. I even erased everything that it imported and the same scene would not batch render anymore. Tried maya software, mental, draft quality, everything with no result. I am on a Dell precission M6600 16 GB RAM core i7 win 7 64bit. tried on 3 other different computers, including a MacPro, but none worked. Anyone can provide help? An error show when opening the file "The target block is already occupied by another HUD". I also noted that I cant create any lights.
  • M Barr

    M Barr said about 15 years ago:

    Great potential but its unusable. This would probably be my favorite rig if I could use it. I think the finger controls should not require a camera all of there own and should be easily accessible from the rig itself. The animation_ui doesn't work at all. However, I could have lived with that. The fact that you can't keyframe essential foot controls makes it unusable. If your lucky you figured out where the attributes for heel roll , toe roll. etc. are. Once you do, you need to determine which rolls are actually pivots. However, when you select them you get the following error // Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to select. // and you can not key frame them. Please fix it. I would love to be able to use it.
  • Sir Meeko

    Sir Meeko said about 16 years ago:

    Not a good rig to animate with,finger controls are hidden,foot controls are hidden,these need to be in the channel box,this rig is very difficult to animate with,got frustrated after 10 min.of looking for stuff,this rig need a overhaul
  • cosmicfool

    cosmicfool said over 16 years ago:

    when I have the rig in and right click the channel box/layer editor I have no options at all. Which sucks. As an animator I need the options there!! Copy/Paste selected. Key selected, big time savers. odd its disabled like that. I really like the rig, but put off from using it because of that. Also eyes disappear when rendering.
  • priyanj

    priyanj said over 16 years ago:

    Rig is nice but there are so many errors coming. when I select render settings this comes. // Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to select. // and also there are errors coming when duplicating and parenting. can't figure out the problem. Im using Maya 2008
  • anton blake

    anton blake said over 16 years ago:

    Very nice rig. but there are 1 or 2 issues. The blink slider, doesnt work properly. The eyelids (both top and bottom) closes unaturally and have slight gaps. No squash n stretch? The finger controls should have its own main control, instead of sliders. And the face needs to be simplified with the binding worked on. This is not a crit of the rig, but a way you can improve it.Its better than most rigs out there!
  • Ownator

    Ownator said over 16 years ago:

    Good job on the modeling and the rig, I really like it. But for some reason in Maya 2008 after using the rig for a bit I can't open windows, it results in a 'Wrong number of arguments' warning. Also, once this starts happening, right clicking on an object brings up a white box instead of the normal menu options. Edit: BTW, where are the finger controls? :(
  • joseph61

    joseph61 said over 16 years ago:

    Hey Fazil ReallyYour Rig is Excellent man ,,Keep it up.

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