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MAMOOTH 1.0.0 for Maya

check and send ur response

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:09/23/2008
File Size: 1.66 MB
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  • nawaz

    nawaz said over 16 years ago:

    Thats very good for a basic elephant rig. I haven't animated it, but did get some idea to rig an elephant myself. Few suggestions : 1. have a toe and heel pivot for the feet. Animators would need that for a walkcycle. 2. for the trunk and the tail the ctrl's pivot point should rather be at the corresponding joint, so that the trunk/tail curl becomes more natural. (Could easily add a parent r s , instead of constraining it.) 3. Some FK controls for the spine could work well too. Overall its a great great start!!and thanks for sharing man. Keep up the good work. waiting to see some more.

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