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Mannequin Rig 1.0.3 for Maya

Mannequin For Animators......

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  • 2009, 2008, 8.x


Last Modified:07/03/2009
File Size: 670 KB
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  • Hyperreal

    Hyperreal said over 15 years ago:

    Hi, I really like this rig and I'm thinking of using it to previz animations so I downloaded it just now and made some improvements people are asking for as well as a couple of my own. They are quick fixes so I didn't add shoulder controls, mainly the ability to scale the rig. There was quite a bit of housekeeping to do and I fixed the rig's default pose to have all the limbs stretched out.
  • skkn29

    skkn29 said almost 16 years ago:

    good rig for beginners
  • Camaro

    Camaro said almost 16 years ago:

    Needs a lot of work. Shoulder and hip controls would be nice. I noticed you locked the scale on the global control. This is a big no-no. A way you can fix this is by selecting everything in your outliner BUT the Global_Ctrl, press ctrl+G to make a new group, call it something like "Master" and parent that under the global control. Scaling will work, I just confirmed it. Otherwise, it's a solid rig, and I look forward to using it.

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