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mecanic_rig 0.0.1 for Maya

mecanic rig(default)

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  • 2008


Last Modified:08/29/2008
File Size: 8.94 MB
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  • xiaw1

    xiaw1 said almost 12 years ago:

    its very limited. lots of things locked and hidden. also the scale of things is bad. where do the legs go?
  • ackermanken

    ackermanken said almost 14 years ago:

    I can't translate the feet in the x-axis. Is that how it is rigged or am I experiencing an error? It is hard to animate this thing in balance if it's feet have to stay at the exact same distance from eachother the whole time. Anyone have any thoughts about this?
  • wasbubs

    wasbubs said over 16 years ago:

    Cool model, good rig. Would like to see a roll key. you have a setting for toe and hill but I would like a driven key so that the mech foot could roll up on the toe while taking a step. That would be cool.

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