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MooM v4.0.3 By Ramtin 4.0.0 for Maya

MooM version 4.0.3

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x


Last Modified:06/21/2008
File Size: 980 KB
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  • priyanj

    priyanj said over 16 years ago:

    Hi.. rig is really nice. but when I switch the rigth arm to FK the wrist controler is not working. Kindly help me on this. Thanks.
  • maulik13

    maulik13 said over 16 years ago:

    First of all thanks Ramtin. I love this character a lot and the whole design is simple, but strong. Also rig is very easy and intuitive even though it may not have some advanced controls. I would love to see a stretch squash switch on the main controllers. And for people who have encountered render problem, I have faced the same issue. But I found a work around. After batch render I had one frame which had weired rotation problem so I render that frame manually with normal rendering option and saved that file as iff (my batch render was output to iff file frame by frame). So I replaced wrong batch render frame with normal render frame.
  • headBadGuy

    headBadGuy said over 16 years ago:

    hi, i used this rig for an animation class recently and I also experienced a rendering issue. the rendered animation had weird rotations showing up in the legs. it was very clear that the problem did not show up in maya during playback, scrubbing the timelime, playblasts, or individual frame renders. I did move back and forth between two versions of maya (8.5, and 2008) using the "ignore version" open file option. maybe that is linked to the problem. other than that issue, Moom is totally rad!
  • hshrews

    hshrews said almost 17 years ago:

    Hey Ramtin, The rig is great - one of the best free rigs I've found yet. It's perfect for practicing, and works intuitively. I have, however, found a bug and have narrowed it down to the hip control. At the moment I am doing a walk cycle, and the hip is grotesquely twisted whenever I try to do a batch render. Individual frames render fine (as do playblasts), but whether I do a command line or interface batch render, I get the same problem. I'm posting here just so Audrey doesn't feel like she's the only one with the problem. Keep up the hard work and thanks again for sharing your rig! -H
  • lalapouet

    lalapouet said almost 17 years ago:

    Hi everyone ! At first, I'm sorry for my language, I'm french ! I'll do my best. I hope that I won't bother you and that someone can help me. So, I downloaded the Moom rig to do some acting animation for my animator showreel. As for animation, I find this rig really good, I enjoy animating with it ! That's why I rated it excellent ! The problem came when I tried to render it (as playblasts in animation showreels are fonctional, but not so pleasant to view !). It seems that there's a bug in the legs, but I can't find how to fix it. As I open the maya file, the feet are out of their controllers ! They instantly go back to normal when I change the frame in the timeline and never happens again until I reopen the file. Moving in the timeline seems to refresh the stuff, so the problem never stopped me from animating. But when I launch a batch render, I can't stop the feet from moving out of the controllers, and slipping on the ground when they should not be moving... Has someone an idea of where it could come from ? Or has someone ever had the same issue ? I checked the joints, no keys on it. They just pop out of the controllers. Help me please ! I really need to do this... Thanks -audrey-
  • Ramtin

    Ramtin said almost 17 years ago:

    Hi everyone, I'm very very sorry for all this this time I've not answered any email or any comment regarding the rig. That's right, I'v found bugs in the rig when working in older versions of maya that 2008 (don't know the reason why). By that I've realized that I may need to redo the whole thing again and maybe even do it in older versions of maya. So that probably helps and lets all the animators with the characters without any problem. But as we all know, that takes time since I have jobs to do. so if it's really bothering, I apologize and at the same time appreciate for your appreciation. Good luck Ramtin
  • mexicananimator

    mexicananimator said almost 17 years ago:

    Loved your previous version of MooM, and recommended it to every new animator that asked for a good rig. This update has made the rig all the more appealing and user-friendly! Something I would like to see is the option of turning off squash and stretch, but love the rig anyway. Keep up the good work =)
  • happy2ky

    happy2ky said almost 17 years ago:

    This is an awesome rig first of all.Facial controls are pretty impressive. It will be better if there are IK spine controls,hands and shoulders orientation controls. These will help animators a lot. Thanks for your well-done job and dedication!!!
  • hadi_moom

    hadi_moom said almost 17 years ago:

    my dear friend ramtin you make nice rig with animator friendly controls. keep up good work and following your progress in animation and riging i see light way in your work for succeed in character animation you know what i say man.
  • lizardj

    lizardj said almost 17 years ago:

    first one to comment, yay! this is by far one of the most appealing rigs available. I highly recommend it to all aspiring animators out there. Thanks for uploading! 5 stars from me

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