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MooM v4.0.3 By Ramtin 4.0.0 for Maya

MooM version 4.0.3

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Last Modified:06/21/2008
File Size: 980 KB
Moom version 4.0.3 by Ramtin Ahmadi
Fully Rigged character for Autodesk Maya

hey every body.

Hi Every Body.
I've received e-mails regarding the positive and negative points of the rig, and the way it works
and looks. Most of the animators wanted the rig to be more complex and at the same time having simple
controls and navigation. With keeping this things in mind I've come up with Moom version 4.0. It's the same
Moom as version 3 but looking a little bit different. I would rather to leave it to you to find out the details
about it and like before let me know what you think:

Limits :
I also need to mention about limits of using the rig. you're more than welcome to use it for any purposes
but COMMERCIALS. That's the only thing you should NOT do. use it in what ever animation you have, shorts,
showreels and etc... . It's free and for all of you folks. Please just give credit in your presentations.

Please check out the Readme file to find out how the rig works in details.

Enjoy... .


Version History :

4.0.1 : Legs displacement fixed
4.0.2 : Shading issue fixed
4.0.3 : Right Hand FK Control problem fixed

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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