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PackageMan 1.2.0 for Maya

Package Man

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/09/2007
File Size: 1.04 MB
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  • Il Bieco

    Il Bieco said almost 13 years ago:

    I love this rig, it's so awesome! I am trying to animate it, it's hard because I am a newbie, but the rig is awesome!!
  • blitzkrieg,bob

    blitzkrieg,bob said over 13 years ago:

    Yeah the rig for the body is really good and the model is one of the best you can find on a free rig, but sadly the facial rig is not sufficent for good facial animations. The eyes are to small to show emotions from farer distances with the cam (can`t see blink etc. 3m away from the model) and the facial gui hasn`t enough sliders and you can hardly animate it assymmetrical. And i`m missing the handles on the face itself, to make real exact cg-animations. and like said stretch for extremeties is a must have for cimic characters hope future updates will change these deficits :)
  • Giantbean

    Giantbean said almost 14 years ago:

    @Macewindu and others having controller issues. I had the same issue then I realized the controls are simply turned off. In the Outliner click on the + next to PackManContrller > then select PM_Controllers. Now in the Channel Box / Layer Editor type 1 on the controls that are off to turn them on. Save now or you will have to turn the controllers on again every time you open the rig. You can also select gPMXTRA > gGeometry to smooth the mesh before rendering. Hope that helps.
  • John Neumann

    John Neumann said about 15 years ago:

    This rig is actually quite nice and I disagree that having stretchy anything is "important". Personally I find it distracting because I can never quite be sure where the leg is stretching when doing a walk so I may extend one leg a bit further than another. Yes having the option to turn it on and off would be nice, but as a rig that is solid, this one is great. I would have liked the facial controls by the face, but I do get the reasoning behind it, and having the cameras already setup to have them connected to said pieces is nice. My only other gripes are that the foot roll (which I've done a bug report for) and that there's no ability to do a shoulder shrug (however, if you just unlock the shoulder controls you can add the translateY back into the mix so no big deal). Really a nicely modeled and rigged character. I'm gonna have him urinating on buildings soon. It'll be great. :) Thanks for your hard work!
  • jeetufor_u

    jeetufor_u said about 15 years ago:

    sorry if i am wrong but this rig misses one of the most important thing and thats stretchy legs and hands... i cant stretch it in a cartoony manner..but afterall its a rig everyone must download..very good thanks for it.
  • macewindu

    macewindu said almost 16 years ago:

    In maya 2009 it not working I can open it but that is about all I can do. I can't switch any of the controls on! and I don't know why or how! can someone help me please!!! this is extremely frustrating.
  • traindog

    traindog said over 17 years ago:

    This rig is sooo nice...Thanks so much..It is really easy to use and can get get heaps out of it...
  • ASeredy

    ASeredy said almost 18 years ago:

    Hey guys, If you want a rig made by one of the best riggers in the feild, download this rig. If you dont, then kill your self now. Goosh's site and rigs were a huge inspiration for Sergio, and rightfully so. They are awesome! Andy

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