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Sam (Slap On Rig) 2.1.3 for Maya

Sam is rigged with the Slap On Auto Rigging system. She's fun and easy to use.

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  • 2013


Last Modified:03/19/2015
File Size: 1.45 MB
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  • jael02

    jael02 said over 8 years ago:

    Hi Badmanjam, Do you mind if I use this nice rig for one shot of my short film? She will be a black silhouette, and the film is my thesis for the school, nothing commercial. It will be the great help if I can use her since I already have three characters and not much time. Thank you.
  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said about 9 years ago:

    Please check here:
  • Startibartfast

    Startibartfast said about 9 years ago:

    Just curious--after extracting the files, I can't seem to find the prefs folder (or any other folder the video shows should be in my extracted slap on folder)... Trying to get the shelves up and running, but I don't have the prefs folder to copy over to the maya folder. Is that missing in this free version?
  • Eddy Garcia

    Eddy Garcia said about 9 years ago:

    Hi Badmanjam, Beautiful rig and very fun to use. Amazing that this is done with an AutoRig. Here's a MoCap clean up I did that was retargeted to Sam. Happy New Year and keep up the great work!
  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said over 9 years ago:

    I'm trying to reply to everyone, but Creative crash does not allow me to do it personally. So I'm going to try and reply to everyone here. Hi Rinfa That is a bit of a difficult step. 1stly, The blendShapes has to stay the same object. This means the vertex numbers (and unique values per vertex) has to stay the same. Importing/Exporting to Z might break this relationship. However, with a bit of experimentation, I'm sure it can be worked out. 2ndly, Don't select base_bs, that is a node that all the other blendShapes are blendShaped to. Hi alexandrapr369 Awesome! You may just put "Slap On Auto Rig, by Badmanjam". Please send me a link! Hi Namxada That is incredibly well done! I absolutely love how much life (and Death) :) you put in her! Good job. I'd Like to send you the newest Slap on version for free to say thank you!
  • Namxada

    Namxada said over 9 years ago:

    This rig was super fun to use! If you're interested in seeing the animations I did with it here's the link: Any critique would be appreciated too :) Thanks for the rig!
  • alexandrapr369

    alexandrapr369 said over 9 years ago:

    Hi Badman! I'm planning to use this character rig for my thesis short film. How do I give you credit? Ale
  • rinfa

    rinfa said over 9 years ago:

    Hi badmanjan After rigging I'm not able to select vert in the blend shapes. This is normal? Unfortunately the sculpt tools in maya are very limited. I exported the blend shapes to zBrush via GoZ, but after modify and go back to maya, all the meshes appear destroyed. Any clue? Thanks!
  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said over 9 years ago:

    Glad you like it! I'm afraid that the blend shapes created by the script are the ones you will have to use. Use your sculpts you made as reference and modify the slap on blend shapes. Remember you only have to do this once, and then if you ever need to run the script again you can import your blend shapes with the slap on blendShapes button. Cheers
  • rinfa

    rinfa said over 9 years ago:

    Very nice rig and simple to use. The only thing is how to use my own blend shapes. I modeled them in zBrush, but I can't figure out how to incorporate them in my character rigged with slap_on, due slap_on set up all the blend shapes and keep it ready to be deformed. How I can replace it? Thanks!

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