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Simple Bot Rig for Maya 1.0.0 for Maya

Simple Bot Rig for Maya

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 4.74 MB
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  • Morozova Morozova

    Morozova Morozova said over 3 years ago:

    Cool! This is what i need for my first animation
  • TomZhang

    TomZhang said over 5 years ago:

    Thanks so much for your sharing! 
  • Bane_86

    Bane_86 said almost 15 years ago:

    The rig is great just animated a run cycle to test it out. Thanks for putting it up. I do have the same issue as Srikanth Bhogi, the eye control is limited. If you turn the characters head too much the eyes wont follow and you cant animate the eye control (nurbs circle shape1) would be really great if this was fixed up. Otherwise a nice simple fun rig. Great Work.
  • yogesh gadkari

    yogesh gadkari said almost 15 years ago:

    Hey Alex, i tried to open new link for bot page is not found, i dont know how others has downloaded this rig if someone knows any way to download..please help. bye.
  • digitalrizzo

    digitalrizzo said about 15 years ago:

    Yeah dude, this file is corrupted. Love the rig but cant open it :(
  • REVA

    REVA said about 15 years ago:

    Hi, amazing character rig is really terrific.....THANKS...I have one problem when I try to Switch between Resolutions for the Simple Bot Rig the MEL Swith not work, why?
  • Tom Maples

    Tom Maples said over 15 years ago:

    hey man awesome looking rig, but i haven't used the ZVGUI before and have no idea how to get it up?? The video that came in the zip file is soundless and doesn't explain how that part works...any help would be appreciated as am really keen to use this rig! Cheers!
  • Derek Osborne

    Derek Osborne said over 15 years ago:

    Hey Alex, A 2008 version would be great for this model! Thanks!
  • Srikanth Bhogi

    Srikanth Bhogi said over 15 years ago:

    Hey Alex, First of all.....Great Job man..!! Thanks for the awesome rig..! Nice leg overall design. I am loving this.! But I am having some problems keying the eye controls. You see.. there are these two controls for eyes. One in the facial controls window" LOOK" used for the eyeball movement and the one in 3D space "NURBS CIRCLE1". When the head is rotated down or up or etc... the eyEball movement is getting limited by the LOOK control and I am unable to key the "nurbsCircle1" control to get the eyeballs in the desired place. Can you please make sure this is fixed and see that the nurbsCircle1 control can be keyd properly. I hope this makes sense. Please let me know wen this gets upgraded. Cant wait to work on it.!!:-) Cheers buddy.
  • apf

    apf said over 15 years ago:

    Hello people, I´m really sorry I didn´t include the .ma file initially, but please make sure to grab it from here : @ revolvermd : Thanks for the heads up, I´ll make sure to check that and come back to you ! Enjoy! ALEX

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