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Spiderbot 1.0.0 for Maya

Spiderbot rig for Maya

Button download


  • 2009, 2008, 8.x


Last Modified:07/02/2009
File Size: 437 KB
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  • casketgrind

    casketgrind said about 6 years ago:

    Great rig! I'm using it for an animation. Find it at @gradient_mess on instagram
  • amannation

    amannation said over 10 years ago:

    Really great model and rig, but it would be great if it came with the textures. All I get from the download is the maya scene so all the texture files have to be replaced.
  • Amethyst Studios

    Amethyst Studios said about 11 years ago:

    This is an awesome rig! It's simple, but very well designed.
  • Drew Malesky

    Drew Malesky said about 15 years ago:

    nice rig, but the texture files don't seem to be in the zip.
  • CGOutcast

    CGOutcast said over 15 years ago:

    I did a quick walk cycle after downloading it :) check it out.
  • zbrusher18

    zbrusher18 said over 15 years ago:

    Hey! Let me tell you did such a great job with this rig. I like the simplicity of the rig and the design of the character it's very appealing. I have some suggestions that would be cool to have on this rig. I understand that it's a robot, but it would very nice if you could add some movement for the eye area when the eye ball moves up/down and side to side. The other suggestion is a way for him to close the eye compartment, hide his cannon and an attribute to bring all the legs, head and cannon together. Like a defense position. These suggestions are not necessary, but it will definitely give the animator a bit more to play with. Great job and keep rigs like this coming. This rig inspire me to start working on animation right away. Great! -Javi

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