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Fill Light Rig 0.1.0 for Maya

Maya BG & Fill Light Rig which makes your work easier...

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/27/2012
File Size: 389 KB

Instructions :

1 : Import Fill Light Rig in the Maya scene through Reference Editor.

2 : The Light rig consist of 3 Fill Light Rings, top and bottom Ring will contain 8 Spot lights and the center Ring will contain 6 Spot Lights. As per the shot you can modify the rig by adding more lights to the ring.

3 : The main light direction control will be located in the center of the ring for all the rigs.

4 : The Rings can be navigated and scaled as per shot.

5 : The Global controls consist of common attributes like Intensity, Cone Angle, Penumbra Angle, Drop Off, Emit Diffuse, Emit Specular, Depth Map Shadows, Ray Trace Shadows and Lines Visibitlity for all the lights.

6 : I have also provided individual control for all the lights to translate in the scene according to your shot requirement and also you can manually adjust the attributes by selecting the light.

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