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Gravity Ball 0.1.0 for Maya

This is a rig that controls the exact mathematical calculation of gravity on a ball

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  • 2016, 2015

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/18/2018
File Size: 217 KB


graivty, maya, Rig

This is a rig that controls the exact mathematical calculation of gravity on a ball (without air resistence calculated). It can be helpful to import into your scene to use as reference. A teacher of mine who worked at WETA claimed this is one technique they use to check their animation.

The calculation is treating one Maya unit as one foot (the ball to be 12 inches in diameter). There is a "units scale" attribute to adjust to your scene size (the animation adjusts with the units scale attribute).

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