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Photoreal_Shader_Grass 7.0.0 for Maya

Photoreal grass shader with animated clouds.

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  • 7.x, 6.x


Last Modified:01/04/2006
File Size: 639 KB
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11-18 of 18

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  • tonytouch

    tonytouch said about 19 years ago:

    wow , thanx for sharing this one .... you know , i am not very keen on shaders , and this one is a fine one , which i always was looking for . and it helps to render larger landscapes . i just used 4 different grass textures , that i found on the internet and put them into the file nodes . and now test-render .... first impression: in maya-software-renderer it is much faster than in mental-ray (at least in my first impression) in mental ray : for animation purpose i guess it takes quite long to render , but the result is very good . at least faster to set up , than a regular grasstexture-with-displacement-material and the results are much better !!! maybe something is wrong in my setup , but i am missing a kind of displacement on the grass in CLOSEUP. as i did not know what to do with the displacement-stuff in the outliner- which i see in the scene (this star-shape...) maybe you can post a render of a closeup or a highresolution render , please? ) using maya6.5 , i had no problem changing the version number with the help of my favorite texteditor - so no headache here... lol looking for textures ? lol
  • Hendronix

    Hendronix said about 19 years ago:

    Don't let the missing textures discourage you from dissecting this network. It's got a lot of great potential, and some experimentation with four of your own textures (grass, dirt, scrub, whatever) will prove productive.
  • WilliamC

    WilliamC said about 19 years ago:

    I sent an email to the poster explaining the probled and if he can upload a fixed version. Still no word yet but it's only been one day so far.
  • frigerio

    frigerio said about 19 years ago:

    some missing textures....cheers
  • hominid

    hominid said about 19 years ago:

    It was also marked as a version 7.0 file. Maybe edit it to read as a version 6.0 file to save a few headaches when importing.
  • TheShade

    TheShade said about 19 years ago:

    yes...i was excited too. Until it didnt work. look forward to the solution
  • corneliu.ticu

    corneliu.ticu said about 19 years ago:

    Sounds great but... the bitmaps used with this shader are missing
  • chillnlikeamug

    chillnlikeamug said about 19 years ago:

    I'm guessing I'm just doing something wrong but when I downloaded the shader all I received was the when I imported the shader it generated a warning message saying it was un able to reference several veg0~.jpg's. Anyways I was all excited to play with this shader but it isn't working for me. I hope to hear what the fix is for either the shader or my ignorance. Thanks for posting!

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