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Photoreal_Shader_Grass 7.0.0 for Maya

Photoreal grass shader with animated clouds.

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  • 7.x, 6.x


Last Modified:01/04/2006
File Size: 639 KB
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1-10 of 18

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  • norrinRadd

    norrinRadd said over 17 years ago:

    I'm having problems rendering shadows that are cast on an object that has the shader assigned. To get the shadow dark enough I have to either ramp up the color to a -5 black and once it's up high enough to cast a darker shadow it starts artifacting and is sometimes laced with strange blue ripples. Help please.
  • Inchiology

    Inchiology said over 17 years ago:

    I really liked it. For a project in class I used it for a mountain and my classmates said it looked realistic.
  • Inchiology

    Inchiology said over 17 years ago:

    I really liked it. For a project in class I used it for a mountain and my classmates said it looked realistic.
  • 32pm

    32pm said over 18 years ago:

    this shader is good and realistic
  • oud.anu

    oud.anu said over 18 years ago:

    your Photoreal_Shader_Grass 7.0.0.
  • brando130

    brando130 said over 18 years ago:

    This shader is very nice. I as an amateur was able to combine some of the tips on this site for realistic snow and this shader and have had pretty nice results so far: I just replaced two of the grass textures with textures I liked better from my digital camera, and for the snow I used a copy of this same shader, replacing the four grass textures with snow textures, turning the diffuse down, and connected an inverted fractal with high threshold to the snow's specular color, per the tips on realistic snow in the tutorials section. Combined them with a stucco, and though unfinished, its coming along. :) Thx again.
  • Black iD

    Black iD said almost 19 years ago:

    I downloaded the files but cant find the orignal readme with this updated version. Jus wanna know is it the same. The orignal author's site is also not working.
  • admin

    admin said about 19 years ago:

    Thanks to MrSteak, I updated the file to include those images. Hopefully the author will confirm when he returns from most likely a holiday vacation.
  • fbonniwell

    fbonniwell said about 19 years ago:

    Are there any textures included?
  • MrSteak63

    MrSteak63 said about 19 years ago:

    I found them myself and put them in a .zip and now the shader works. Enjoy, it looks good.

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