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Photorealistic Glass 0.2.0 for Maya

Anisotropic shader for photorealistic glass

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x


Last Modified:10/29/2007
File Size: 78.8 KB
Anisotropic shader to simulate glass- This is a modified version of the glass shader found in an online tutorial.

Just a note: this shader will not render properly or at all with maya software, or even mental ray for that matter, unless you set your raytracing settings to accordingly- the original tutorial suggests that your refractions, reflections and trace depth be set to around 10- if your setup can handle it. Also, enabling caustics, global illumination and final gather help improve the quality and realism. This shader will not render properly with Maya Hardware (since there are no raytracing options under maya hardware AFAIK).

the demo picture is rendered with two point lights, linear decay, emitting ~30k caustic photons each. anyway- play around to find the settings you like- this linked file: here is using HDRI lighting.


also- if earlier versions of maya don't support this shader let me know and I'll take it off the list.

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