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Auto-stretchy IK solver 1.0.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

Auto-stretchy IK solver with smooth transition

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  • 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/07/2007
File Size: 5.96 KB

// features :

1. automaticly stretchy IK solution

2. smoothly transition between normal status and stretchy status

// limitation :

1. two bone IK (NOTE: this will be eliminated next release )

// bug report and suggestions to:

       Developer : Ma Yi ( Amadou )

       Email :


// install :

1. unzip

2. copy file to the folder C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya8.5binplug-ins

        (NOTE: this path is where you install your Maya )

   { or copy it to any place where the environment variable MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH point to }

3. copy folder yima_tools to the folder C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya8.5Pythonlibsite-packagesmaya

        (NOTE: This path is where the maya python module exists . We add yima_tools module to your maya module by doing this )


// how to use :

1. load the scripted plug-in in the Maya plug-in manager window :

      (a)   Window -> Settings/Preferences -> Plug-in Manager
      (b)   load the plug-in by checking it on

2. create the solver node (chose one ):

      by MEL :

              createNode -name stretchyik yimaIksolverNode;

      or by python :

              import maya.cmds as cmds

              cmds.createNode("yimaIksolverNode", name="stretchyik")

3. create ik handle (chose one corresponding to step 2):

      manually :

          (a) create the IK handle as usual
          (b) open the attribute editor of the new IK handle , go to "IK Solver Attributes" section ,

              and change the value of "IK Solver" to "stretchyik" .

      or by MEL :

          ikHandle -sol "stretchyik" -sj joint1 -ee joint3

                 (NOTE: here , the name "stretchyik" comes from Step 2 mel command ,

                   and you may need to change joint1 and joint3 to your joint names )

      or by python :

           import maya.cmds as cmds

           cmds.ikHandle(sol="stretchyik", sj="joint1", ee="joint3")


Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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