You can mix and match the models if you like, since you can create parts separately. Each character has separate polygonal models for the: head, body, left arm, right arm, left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg, left foot, and right foot. The pivot for all body parts is set to the origin, though the body parts themselves are arranged into an entire character. You can also create all three characters together.
The interface is a drop down menu that you bring up with: Create -> Polygon Primitives -> Character Primitives.
The four MEL scripts: polyCharPrimitiveCmd.mel, polyCharPrimitiveCreateUI.mel, polyCharPrimitiveDeleteUI.mel, and polyCharPrimitiveWindow.mel, create the user interface. Place these four scripts into your My Documents\maya\scripts folder. After placing these scripts, restart Maya before bringing the plug-in into the Plug-in Manager, described below.
The plug-in itself is called: polyCharPrimitiveCmd.mll. Bring up Window -> Settings/Preferences -> Plug-in Manager, and browse to wherever you place this file in order for the plug-in to work inside of Maya.
It now includes a 64-bit as well as a 32-bit version.
Created by Raul Collantes, Aaron Grate and Michael Lucas.
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