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NormalMapBump 1.0.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

utility node helps to implement normal mapping

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  • 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/04/2005
File Size: 1.02 MB

Normal mapping is the technique that can greatly enhance the appearance of low poly model. Left leg has the same polygon counts of the right one.

NormalMapBump is a node implements normal mapping via Maya shading network. It reading tangent space nomal data, transform to camera space and feeds to NormalCamera of a material shader.

It requires the poly tangent and normal data mapped by the tangentMapper plug-in, which is already available on highend3d.

Steps for normal mapping are:

  1. Create the low poly model and its UV in Maya.
  2. Export low poly model in .obj format, vertex and UV only, doesn't need to export normals.
  3. Sculpt the high poly model in ZBruch.
  4. Export high poly model in .obj format.
  5. Load low and high poly model into the normal mapper program to calculate the normal texture.
  6. Type command: "mtorMapPolyTangent polyShapeName" in Maya to create per-vertex tangent and normal variable.
  7. Create shading network to load the normal texture.
  8. Done! Add some lighting and do test renders to see the result.

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