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abxPicker (2011+) 2.5.2 for Maya (maya script)

Rapidly Create Character Control UIs using abxPicker's unique drag and drop interface.

(qty: 1)

  • Check 16 Future Updates Included
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  • 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/14/2016
File Size: 39.5 KB


animation, maya


Bug when Reference a file into any scene

Submitted byHugh Shin Hugh Shin
I got a character with a picker contains "SelAll" burton

When I import the character as reference into another scnen file, all burtons work well except the SelAll Burton.

whenever I press the SelAll Burton, it's giving me a messege saying

"// Error: No object matches name" while other burtons work.

can you give me a solution on this issue?

Comments on this bug:

  • J Adam Burke

    J Adam Burke said almost 14 years ago:

    Its difficult to pinpoint without looking at the scene. As a catch-all solution try deleting the button in your original character file and then re select the objects over again and create a new button. Alternatively, I sometimes make selection sets that contain all the objects that the animator can key. Then I select this set node in the outliner and assign it to a button. This way i can add and remove items from the set without having to change the assignment to the KeyAll or SelAll buttons.

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