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Align Tool 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Align objects tool like 3dsmax's one (with interactive feedback))

Button download


  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/09/2015
File Size: 12.1 KB


Align, matrix

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  • snake3y3s

    snake3y3s said over 7 years ago:

    I have had to move over to Maya from Max and would really like this script in Maya 2017
    Granted the new alignment tools in maya are an improvement on what has come before, but I still feel that they are a little clunky in comparison to Max's interface.
  • focusgfx

    focusgfx said over 8 years ago:

    Haha, glad to hear that Maya 2017 align tool is better than my script. unfortunately, currently, I don't have the slightest time to port this to Maya 2017. but hey, you can use their align tool now ;)
  • Fake Pilot

    Fake Pilot said over 8 years ago:

    Also tried for 2017, but then I looked if Maya updated its Align tool! It is fucking awesome, just check it out. Under Modify > Align Tool. It's even better than this script now... Interactive interface on the objects you select. :-) R.I.P. script! You served us well.
  • mountaindue

    mountaindue said over 8 years ago:

    I keep getting this Error: line 1: ImportError: file line 16: No module named PySide
  • mountaindue

    mountaindue said over 8 years ago:

    Man I give up, I have tried everything to get this to work with 2017 if somebody figures this out please let me know,, thanks
  • focusgfx

    focusgfx said almost 9 years ago:

    Glad to know that it worked for you.
  • natedgreat3

    natedgreat3 said almost 9 years ago:

    I got this to work on Maya 2016. - Drop AlignObjects and AlignObjects.ui in your Maya Scripts folder. - I renamed the py file to just "" to make it easier. - Opened the py file up in notepad++ and found UIFile="somedirectory/AlignObjects.ui" - Changed it to point to where my UI file was. I used forward slashes "/" ... not backslashes. - Created a custom shelf button and pasted this for the python command. import AlignObjects reload (AlignObjects) AlignObjects.main() Made sure to set the language to Python. It worked then.
  • sachin jha

    sachin jha said about 9 years ago:

    It's not working in Maya 2016, does anyone try?
  • squantrill

    squantrill said almost 10 years ago:

    Can somebody please just put a simple step by step guide on how to install these files. Its gotten so convoluted on here, people saying, its easy, its easy then some lame vague instructions.......YES ITS EASY IF YOU KNOW HOW!!!! Firstly there are only 4 files in the download not 5, why is everyone being so vague...... No joy getting this working thanks you.
  • squantrill

    squantrill said almost 10 years ago:

    Can somebody please just put a simple step by step guide on how to install these files. Its gotten so convoluted on here, people saying, its easy, its easy then some lame vague instructions.......YES ITS EASY IF YOU KNOW HOW!!!! thanks you.

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