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Arc Tracker 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Tracks Animation Arcs

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:02/18/2014
File Size: 14.2 KB
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  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said almost 11 years ago:

    Great, Just curious , what do you get printed in script editor when you use the following mel code? $mayaVersion = `about -version`; print $mayaVersion; Also, if at all, how often do you tend to use 'thorough tracking checkbox/option' ? Spence
  • geekbot747

    geekbot747 said almost 11 years ago:

    Thank you Spencer, Removing "MAYA VERSION CHECK " code fixed it. back in action :):):)
  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said almost 11 years ago:

    Hey, You could try removing the lines: //MAYA VERSION CHECK float $mayaVersion = float(`about -version`); if ($mayaVersion
  • geekbot747

    geekbot747 said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi Spencer, thanks for getting back to me, I'm unable to even get the script to work, -i have soursed the script -then when i go to launch it via commond line "arctracker110" i get this error // Error: file: /net/homes/jawilson/maya/2014-x64/scripts/arctracker110.mel line 35: ArcTracker supports Maya 2012 or later hope theat help and i wonder if anyone else has this problem thanks again for your time James
  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi James, I just checked arctracker110.mel with Maya 2014 on Windows 7 - I had no issues tracking a single nurbs sphere. I am not aware of any differences between Linux and Windows in regard to using mel scripts. You could use the below python script to print a list of folders in script editor / check the folder you placed the script in is recognized by Maya: import sys for path in sys.path: print path Did the Window/UI open up? Did you receive any error messages in the script editor/command line? What is the name of the object your trying to track (how many namespaces)? Spence
  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi James, I am at work but will have a look later today. Curious, are you using the 'thorough trails' at all? (options, checkbox) Edit: more on page 2...
  • geekbot747

    geekbot747 said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi Spencer. I was wondering if you could help me, i have been a big fan of arctracer for some time now, recently at work we have moved to maya 2014 and your wonderful script doesn't seem to work :'( i was wondering if you knew a way for this to work any yips would be greatly appreciated if not i have loved using this script. if it helps we are using maya on a linux system ps the script was working great in 2013 on the linus system cheers James
  • richa srivastava

    richa srivastava said over 11 years ago:

    here is my skype name richas_7, I am online from 2 pm PST, pls let me when you are available thank you so much for helping out :)
  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said over 11 years ago:

    Hi, Did you put the .rar file or the .mel file in the scripts folder? Is the command line set to mel (or python) when you call arctracker110 from it? What is the path where you placed the arctracker110.mel script? Use the following mel script/code. What path does Maya print/reply? internalVar -usd; If you are struggling to install mel scripts correctly: You could try copying the entire contents of the .mel file followed by and additional line of code (arctracker110;) into a mel tab in your scripts editor and then execute the script from there. Or you could you could create a mel shelf button using the entire contents of the .mel file followed by and additional line of code (arctracker110;) You could also message me your skype name - It would be easier/quicker for me to help you if I could see your screen. Spence
  • richa srivastava

    richa srivastava said over 11 years ago:

    I meant window 8, its still giving me same error..

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