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Arc Tracker 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Tracks Animation Arcs

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:02/18/2014
File Size: 14.2 KB
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  • Alex Florica

    Alex Florica said about 2 years ago:

    After more than 10 years remain almost the best motion trail for maya, Thnaks for this tool, and shame for Autodesk for not creating a robust and costomizable motion trail.
  • actionbrad

    actionbrad said almost 6 years ago:

    hiya - 
    the previous version of this script which converted the path into a plain nurbs curve was really useful. would it be possible to have that version aded back into the download package? 
    it was very useful for creating a motion path from an animated object. 
  • g2mXagent

    g2mXagent said over 7 years ago:

    maya 2016 sp6, works fine! thank you.
  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said over 9 years ago:

    " I just need to see the curve when I click recreate" Switch to 'old school' mode "it would be better if there is a option to turn off this automatically upload feature" This free script was written for 2009 and updated for 2012. There is a pro version for 2013/2014 (apparently 2015/2016) where you can turn off the auto upload
  • Ann40

    Ann40 said over 9 years ago:

    prefer the old version, the new one keep uploading when move the controller, it takes very long time to load every move I do, it would be better if there is a option to turn off this automatically upload feature, I just need to see the curve when I click recreate
  • BastardLoud

    BastardLoud said almost 10 years ago:

    An amazing script. It completely changed the way I animate in Maya. No more messing with the arc tool or cv curve tool.
  • said over 10 years ago:

    Thank you so much Spencer.
  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said almost 11 years ago:

    .. Just downloaded and tested arctracker110.mel with maya 2014, windows 7 x64 using an animated poly sphere ('pSphere1') - works fine. You should not be getting a 'line 182: setAttr: No object matches name: pSphere1_ArcTracker_Helper.blendPoint1' error with the current arctracker110.mel script file. In current arctracker110.mel file there are no commands/code on line 182 and the script only executes a setattr command if the blendpoint exsists (pSphere1_ArcTracker_Helper.blendPoint1) if(`objExists ($Helper[0]+".blendPoint1")`){ setAttr ($Helper[0]+".blendPoint1") 1; setKeyframe -t $i $Helper[0]; } }
  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi, Thanks for using the Arc Tracker script. "it was all working fine until now" - what changed? Are you using the latest version of this script? Tried re-downloading arctracker110.mel? You could try sending me a scene file and I could take a look into it - There is also a pro version available for 2013, 2014 @ Thanks, Spence
  • coolchic1

    coolchic1 said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi Spencer! First off, brilliant script, extremely helpful. Thank you so much! So, it was all working fine until now. This is what I get now whenever I try to run it with any and all objects. I tried restarting maya, installing the script, dint work. What gives // Error: file: C:/Users/PC/Documents/maya/2013-x64/scripts/arctracker110.mel line 182: setAttr: No object matches name: pSphere1_ArcTracker_Helper.blendPoint1 Thanks in advance! -Nupur

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