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as_EasyRig 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Auto Biped Rigging -Based On PyMEL & Curves

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  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/11/2009
File Size: 9.12 MB



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  • Subbu Addanki

    Subbu Addanki said over 15 years ago:

    Dear apf, Just now uploaded these files for you. Download from the rapid share links. Regards, Subbu
  • Subbu Addanki

    Subbu Addanki said over 15 years ago:

    Dear apf, Thanks for trying it. PyMel installation is a little bit tedious. But by installing pymelScrollFieldReporter, One can get python output in Script Editor panel in place of mel. I also checked that pymelScrollFieldReporter is not available in 0.9.2 version. But I have got this with 0.9.0 earlier version. With out this also pymel should be installed. System variables plays important role in this installation. I have installed Active State Python 2.5.1 for Maya 2009 version. I have used pymel a little bit only in this auto rig script due to it's simplicity. In adding system variables, One has to take care of 'user'. User should be replace by your maya path. For me : C:\Documents and Settings\Om Sairam\My Documents\maya\scripts\pymel user menas Om Sairam. this is my path where my pymel folder copied. Here pymel means pymel folder itself. I will help you until your problem solved. First try to succeed in installing PyMEL. I will try to upload 'pymelScrollFieldReporter' and 'scriptEditorPanel.mel' here. Or else send your request to my mail id: Regards, Subbu
  • apf

    apf said over 15 years ago:

    Dear Subbu, first off congrats on providing this auto rig for the Maya community. Although, my only problem is the whole tedious installation workaround for this script in order to work. I personally have tried it several times and still haven´t got it to work. Could it be possible for you to provide an easier insatalling method? Or maybe a video tutorial or something ? PS. in your installation guide it says : "Copy from: pymel\tools\scriptEditor\", and in the Pymel folder there is no SCRIPTEDITOR folder (at least in 0.9.2 version of it) Thanks in advance and keep up the good work, I am really looking forward to using this autorigger !! :) Best Regards, APF

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