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autoLimbRigger 0.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

autoLimbRigger is a script made to rig arm and leg chains with IK/FK blending and stretchy IK/FK

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/06/2014
File Size: 315 KB


stretchy, Rig

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  • DwaineH

    DwaineH said about 5 years ago:

    Great job, works nicely for me! The IK/FK switch and Stretchy limbs are nice additions.
    Would like the ability to add in more joints and bend in different locations.
  • telso2

    telso2 said almost 11 years ago:

    My name a Hanz, In my country, we spend hours rigging legs. I wake up everyday knowing I must rig legs for hours. My Boss, he say "O hanz, why you so slow? Why you no rig legs more faster?". I work like this for many years...BUT no longer! Leg rig is much fast now! woW! Mr Lachlan, my hero! Vielen Dank Hanz

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