This script modifies the standard Maya Right Mouse Button menu in various ways. Particularly it does three things:
1. Maya now uses true component masks when switching between different components
When you used the RMB menu to switch components Maya would keep the selected mesh in object mode. You could select components and Maya would highlight them accordingly, but the mask was not applied. This could cause some problems when trying to work with multiple objects at once as it became a real hassle to select components across different objects. This script will fix this problem. Maya will now use the right component mask and even when you click on a new object it remains in that mask. That way you can easily select components across multiple objects. If the new object is of a different type (e.g. Polygon and NURBS) Maya will use a similar mask on the new object.
2. Maya no longer deselects the object when switching to object mode
Whenever you use the RMB menu to switch to object mode Maya would deselect the object. This script fixes this problem. If you have multiple objects selected then Maya will select the object that the mouse is currently hovering over.
3. Maya now remembers component selections when switching
Whenever you switched from component to another Maya would discard the previous selection. When you switched back to the previous component mode, the selection would be lost. This script fixes this problem for polygonal objects. You can now switch between Vertices, Faces, Edges, UVs and even Multi-components and Maya will always remember the last selection. In addition Maya remembers selection across multiple objects.
To install:
This script is a modification of the dagMenuProc.mel that ships with Maya. Simply put it in your regular script folder (e.g. c:\documents and settings\maya\scripts) and Maya will automatically source the file during startup. Make sure that the file is named dagMenuProc.mel or Maya won’t recognize it. There is no need to manually source the script, since Maya looks for it anyway. If you don’t like the script you can simply delete it, restart and Maya will source the original script again.
Note: DO NOT put this in your install folder and overwrite the original script.
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